Проверяемый текст
Гелюта, Иван Федорович; Ценообразование в системе маркетинга зарубежных компаний (Диссертация 2002)
[стр. 166]

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Общая теория занятости, процента и денег.
М., 1949.
2 См., например, Уткин Э.А.
Цены, ценообразование, ценовая политика.
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Цены и ценообразование в системе маркетинга.
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The strategy and Tactics o f Pricing.
N-Y, 2003, Chapter 4.
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Principles of Marketing.
2004, pp.783-810.
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The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing.
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Цены и ценообразование.
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1 4Цены и ценообразование.
Под ред.
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15 Dickson P.R., Sawyer A.Y.
The Price Knowledge.
N Y, 2000.
Tellis Y.Y.
Beyond the Many Faces of Price: an integration of Pricing Strategies.
N Y , 1999.
16 Kotler Ph., Armstrong C„ Sunders Y., W ong V.
Principles of Marketing.
2004, pp.728-737.
Kotler Ph.
Marketing Management Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control.
New Jersey,
2003, pp.417-446.
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The product life cycle: Analysis and application issues.
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17Cox W.E., Product Life Cycles as Marketing Models.
N Y, 1967.
Buzzel R.D.
Competitive Behavior and Product Life Cycles.
Chicago, 1956.
Levitt Th.
Marketing Miopia.
NY., 1965.

18 Trey Y.B.
Pricing over the Competitive Cycle.
N Y, 1982.
Harrigan K.R.
Strategies for Declining
N Y , 1980.
Palcy N.
A Strategy for All Ages.
NY, 1994, Kotler Ph., Marketing, Management., 2003.

19 Kotler Ph., Armstrong C., Sunders Y „ W ong V.
Principles of Marketing.
N.Y., 2004, p.736.
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201 Сноски на источники.
1Shrumpeter J.A The History o f Economic Analyses.
NY, 1954.
’ Кейнс Дж.М.
Обшая теория занятости, процента и денег.
М., 1949.
' См., например, Уткин Э.А.
Цены, ценообразование, ценовая политика.
М., 1998.
Цацулин А.Н.
Цены и ценообразование в системе маркетинга.
4 Nagle Th.
Т., Holden R.K.
the strategy and Tactics of Pricing.
N-Y, 1995, Chapter 4.
s Ph.
Marketing, management.
N-Y, 1998, p-565 6 Лебедев O.T., Филиппова Т.Ю.
Основы маркетинга.
С-Пб, 1997.
; Kotler Ph., Armstrong С., Sunders Y., Wong V.
Principles of Marketing.
1999, pp.783-810.
Nagle Г., Hoien R.K.
The Strategy and Tactics o f Pricing.
New Jersey, Prentice Hill, 1995.
s Howard K.
Marketing Principles and Technology in a Free Market System.
N., 1998, ch.
9 Stern A.A.
The Strategic Value o f Price Structure.
NY., 1999.
10 Kotler Ph..
Armstrong C., Sunders Y., Wong V.
Principles o f Marketing.
N.Y., 1999.
и ценообразование.
11од ред.
Ксипова В.Е., Cl 16, Питер, 1999.
" Ibidem.
1 3 Ibidem.
14 Киреев А.
Международная экономика.
М., МО, 1997,
т.1, гл.6.
Цены и ценообразование.
Под ред.

Г.сипова В.Е., СПб, Питер, 1999.
’5 Цены и ценообразование.
Под ред.
Ксипова В.Е., СПб, Питер, 1999.
16Dickson P.R., Sawyer A.Y.
The Price Knowledge.
NY, 2000.
Tcliis Y.Y.
Beyond the Many Faces of Price: an integration o f Pricing Strategies.
NY, 1999.
1 Kotler Ph., Armstrong C , Sunders Y., Wong V.
Principles o f Marketing.
1999, pp.728-737.
Kotler Ph.
Marketing Management Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control.
New Jersey,
1999, pp.417-446.
Цены и ценообразование.
Под ред.
Есипова В.Е., СПб, Питер.

Day Y.S.
The product life cycle: Analysis and application issues.
NY., 1998.
18 Cox W.E., Product Life Cycles as Marketing Models.
NY, 1967.
Buzzel R.D.
Competitive Behavior and Product Life Cycles.
Chicago, 1956.
Levitt Th.
Marketing Miopia.
NY., 1965.

19 Trey Y.B.
Pricing over the Competitive Cycle.
NY, 1982.
Harrigan K.R.
Strategies for Declining
NY, 1980.
Paley N.
A Strategy for All Ages.
NY, 1994.
Kotler Ph., Marketing, Management.
Kotler Ph., Armstrong C., Sunders Y., Wong V.
Principles o f Marketing.
N.Y., 1999, p.736.
Marketing, management.
N-Y, 1998, ch.
Rigg W.E., Redebering the Product Life Cycle; the
